Month: March 2018

  • /nosleep: My Stepfather’s Nanny Cam [Part 3.]

    All I ever wanted was to feel safe in my own home. I waited for 2 AM. I knew It would be there, right on the dot. While my stepfather slept soundly, while the pedophile bastard slept just feet away from me, divided only by a thin wall, I waited. I sat in my bed,…

  • /nosleep: My Stepfather’s Nanny Cam [Part 2.]

    I shouldn’t trust him. But… The first thing I did when I heard my stepfather’s car pull up into our driveway was to grab a kitchen knife. The second thing I did was conceal myself in my closet. To be clear: I was not hiding from him. I was cornering him. He didn’t know that…

  • /nosleep: My Father’s Nanny Cam [Part 1.]

    I didn’t notice the nanny cam for a few days. My mother recently remarried, and her new husband moved in about a month ago. I refuse to call him dad. Please don’t think that this is normal teenage angst. I have good reasons not to. My stepfather is a creep. Even before they married I…

  • /nosleep: I was in a study for fear.

    [Related.] “We study fear,” she said. You have to understand that I was pretty broke at the time. Going to school will do that pretty quick. So when I saw an ad on our campus bulletin looking for people to partake in a paid study, I applied. My friend had applied to some studies before,…

  • /nosleep: Don’t Check the Locks. Don’t Look at the Door.

    Monday, 1:15 AM: ♫Sunny day Sweepin’ the clouds away Ignore the knocking on the door. Keep watching the DVD, turn the volume up if you have to. The knocking will get louder. Ignore it. Watch Sesame Street, think happy thoughts. Fucking sing along if you have to. It’s 1:15. That first night it started with…